At New Laboratory in Azcapotzalco, CDMX, "Your Health Is Everything to Us"

Press Services
Monday, January 15, 2024 at 12:00pm UTC

Certolab Ferreria Offers Complete Selection of Medical Tests at Azcapotzalco Medical Laboratory

Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico - January 15, 2024 / LABORATORIO MÉDICO CERTOLAB FERRERÍA /

Clinical Analysis, Check Ups, and Many More Medical Tests in Azcapotzalco

Prevention and early detection of diseases are fundamental pillars of health for Certolab Ferrería. Amid growing awareness about the importance of regular checkups and preventive studies, Certolab Ferrería Medical Laboratory is committed to providing clients with access to a wide range of high-quality services for personalized care.

Certolab Ferreria Laboratorio Azcapotzalco CDMX

Its new Ferrería branch, opened January 8, will have a team of highly trained physicians and specialists and offers a variety of essential medical services for all ages and needs. Some of the services offered include:

  • Mammography: Perform digital mammographies, an advanced technique that allows early detection of abnormalities in the breasts and can help prevent breast cancer.
  • X-Rays: Modern X-ray equipment allows Certolab to obtain accurate images for diagnosing a wide range of conditions, from bone fractures to lung diseases.
  • Clinical Analysis: Certolab's laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art technology to perform various blood, urine and other body fluid analysis, with the aim of aiding in the diagnosis and monitoring of various diseases.
  • Medical Checkups: Certolab offers comprehensive medical checkup packages that include detailed physical evaluations, laboratory analysis and complementary studies for a comprehensive assessment of health status.
  • Colposcopy: Through the use of this specialized technique, Certolab's experts can examine the cervix for signs of cervical cancer and other abnormalities.
  • Electrocardiogram: Perform electrocardiographic studies to assess the heart's electrical activity and aid in the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Ultrasounds: State-of-the-art ultrasound equipment allows Certolab to obtain detailed images of different parts of the body, facilitating accurate diagnosis of medical problems.

At Certolab Ferrería Medical Laboratory, they believe in the importance of preventive medical care, which helps identify and address diseases early that could significantly impact people's quality of life. Their new laboratory in the “Pasaje Ferrería” shopping center is a testament to their commitment to providing easy and accessible access to specialized medical services and promoting a culture of wellness.

Certolab's Ferrería location offers all of its tests for online ordering on its branch website,, where customers can prepay for their tests from the comfort of home prior to visiting the laboratory in-person.

Contact Information:


Antigua Calz. de Guadalupe 251, San Marcos, Azcapotzalco
Ciudad de Mexico, CDMX 02020

Client Service
+52 55 5872 4652

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